Yoga (24/11/13) - (8/11/13)

Over these 2 sessions, I have continuously worked with the breath. I can now breathe reasonably well during the warm up sequence which I think is one of the main points that is important to maintain as it is continuous movement. In stretches and balances, I notice I forget to breathe, then when prompted remember again. I feel much stronger in my arms, I'm presuming it's from the built up practice over the past few weeks.

Was really focusing on the technique of moving from upward dog to downward dog today. I've noticed I must hold tension in my back when in downward dog, as Ella would come and place hands on prompting to create space in my back where it must hold the weight. I notice I have naturally started to lean forward more before jumping back, which really helps me to move and get into the right position to jump back.


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