Yoga - 10/10/13

Trying to adjust to Yoga again was a struggle this week. Ervin reminded us of how to fluidly move through from upward dog to downward dog, and expressing the importance of breath to us. I was consciously trying to work and concentrate on my breath this week, trying to lengthen and equal my inhale to my exhale, but then found that it would throw me out of timing with movements.

Was like a downward spiral from there, the timing of my movements meant my breath went out of sync which meant that the strength of my movements from one to the next was lacking.
This really reiterated to me how important the breath is. MUST PRACTICE !

POSTURE REMINDERS: 2D POSITION - keeping the arms and legs facing the same way, hips in line with arms and legs to the side, dont turn the hips !

3D POSITION - Facing the back of the mat, arms stretched out. Hips square to the back.



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