Feldenkrais (16/10/13) - (23/10/13)

To start with, I refrained from writing about Feldenkrais, as I feel its a practice that took me a while to understand; its uses, the way it works, what it is useful for.

It focuses on the attention of the smallest of movements, to see how they're initiated, carried out to notice your bodily habits/ how you move individually.

From the beginning of class, we always 'scan' our bodies. I always close my eyes and imagine looking at my body from an overhead view, working from my head to my toes. I noticed how my body was at that time. Both of my shoulders couldn't fully touch the mat, didn't fully touch the floor. Only my shoulder joints were in contact with the mat.

When moving my shoulder joints slowly around, rotating them I couldn't feel much movement from my left arm, more so on the right arm. After repeating the exercise a few times, I did notice that both of my shoulders had softened and were in full contact with the floor.

Another tendency I've noticed that the tops of my legs and feet are always connected to the floor at the start of the session, but by the end, i can feel much more contact down the leg, same with the vertebrae of my spine.

I've noticed that my movement feels much more natural and fluid when I move and breathe on the 'out' breath. Feels slightly more stilted and rigged on the 'in' breath.


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