Performance Projects Technique and Improvisation - (7/10/13)

"wanting to roll down, freedom, spaces of the spine, awareness of spine, learn the body to relax, length in the neck, open".

These were all thoughts, desires, things I was thinking about and took away with me from the session today. 

The exercise of my partner, DJ, walking her fingers down my spine really helped to open up spaces in the vertebrae of my spine. The imagery of lengthening of the neck and head travelling towards the ceiling really helped to make subtle changes that you could visually see.

When in crouch position with my arms behind me, and with DJ touching my back to help me breathe, and the idea of breathing the air into my back really worked; I could feel that happening. I found the position of crouching over my legs with my arms behind me more comfortable than sitting cross legged. Comparing the two positions, sitting cross legged restricted me feeling much happening with the breath.

During learning our sequence of landing exercise no 1 - 'warm up' I was very aware of how my body was moving. It's almost like I was seeing myself in my minds eye - like looking through a camera lens at myself. I came away feeling so free and flexible in my spine, like I could keep folding and unfolding all day.


Fantastic session, focusing on folding and unfolding of the bones. I set my own personal challenge of finding new ways to move through the floor, trying to find a wide source of variety in my moving, find some new moving vocabulary. As it was an open session of free moving, the more we explored, the more confident I became, becoming more adventurous as time went on.

Letting partner take me places - This exercise really opened up my awareness to a new height. 

We eventually moved into contact improvisation, introduced in a very open way where we find our own feet, moving in and out of working solo and with someone else. Had an intense exploration with John where we seemed connected in terms of awareness of each other and really went on an adventure movement wise ending up in a contact duet. When in partners, I noticed I enjoyed slow soft movements as that allowed me to really feel the connection through the back or any other body part. 
Also noticed my pace automatically sped up when working with partners, but I think that might be a lot to do with how the other person is moving as well. 

Folding and unfolding
BonesKinaesthetic awareness
 Soft hands
Bouts of contact 


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