Review of IPP2's work in progress

'The traces left behind' - Fiona Jackson

 A movement exploration looking into the different ways we imprint ourselves onto our surroundings in our day-today lives.

I really liked this piece as I was fascinated with the collages in the gallery space of handprints smudged across the pages on the wall, seeing all the the delicate markings of the feet. On one of them there was a 'Start' and 'Finish' where she'd journeyed across the paper, and seeing the comparisons of the traces.

The feel of the piece reminded me very much like it was an art exhibition. As I was witnessing Fiona drawing circular patterns with chalk, I saw in the process her foot went through the chalk line and the chalk scattered far over the page, which was interesting.

A phrase stood out to me,'The movement is fleeting, the marks remain'. This phrase interests me as it says to me even though as humans were constantly progressing, travelling, moving forwards with our lives, there will always be a part of you remaining where you have been.

'Stages' - Oana Rotariu

This was an improvisation piece that had my attention with trying to work out what it was Oana was doing, what it all meant. I will be honest and say I'm not sure fully of what the intention of the piece was.

I liked her exploration with the objects, seeing how she could manipulate the objects in any way, shape or form and the different result you get each time. That's something that's interested me recently in Amy's Improvisation lessons.

'Behind the Mask' - Julia McCaughley

This was one of my favourite pieces, simply because as an audience member, it moved me watching Julia act. I think it's really uplifting to see someone portray what's going on in a lot of peoples minds to do with layering make up on, over and over, everyday just for insecurities and to gain confidence. I don't really wear alot of makeup so I could really relate to this piece, as what she was portraying is the way I think. I believe that you don't need makeup to make yourself 'perfect'.

Fieldwork - Joana Tischkau

This is the other favourite piece of mine. At first this piece threw me off as I thought that it was another piece like Oana's with arranging objects. Then, Joana just came out with loads of surprises by carrying out what she does day by day, and what she was doing was so natural, you could almost imagine and think,'Yeah thats what Joana's about'. I really loved the realism feel about it.


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