Exp Anatomy: The Arthrometric model

Ive said about the Arthrometric model in another post but the lesson plan we had today was putting the model into practice I think. We had to work in trios, and experience aswell as giving, with the rocking exercises, gripping the legs, arms and torso area.

To Give:

When rocking Katie and Janiece the momentums of the rocking were so different. Janiece had a slow and steady pace, whereas katies rocked quite fast, especially when her legs were involved. When the legs were involved on both of them, I noticed the partnership of the other person on the other side would quickly become out of sync, and we had to work together to stop the receiver feeling disjointed.
I noticed that katie struggled to let go of weight, especially with the exercise of letting Janiece and I move her muscles, but I think we all struggled with this area. It was either weight was given in the leg or in the arm, never both at the same time. I think Janiece was the best out of all of us in giving weight, you could tell she was relaxed in the exercise.

To Receive:

It was such a strange feeling to be rocked. I felt like my body was a bit too sensitive to the touch at first, but eventually my body relaxed to it and got used to it. I really struggled to relax while they were doing this to me though, and it soon showed when giving weight. I really couldn't let go, but I think I was better with letting go at the start of the course.

At the end of the exercise, the end result was that we were all lying in the same position as it shows as The Arthrometric model and I think its important to notice the connections of that, that there are different zones of your body working together harmoniously but they all have their special traits.


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