'Using Levels' - Exp Anatomy

To start the session with practicing moving about with hands and feet firmly on the floor was a great help to me as I got to practice from the previous lesson. I'm definitely finding it's coming more natural to me now.
Then we explored with levels, which I'd never really explored indepth before. I always think with 'levels' that it's from upright to the ground, and then to the floor. It's easy to forget that there's so much space inbetween the three.

Admittedly, I prefer either upright or the floor, which are the two extremes. They are my comfort zones. This is because I have a long back and the inbetween levels makes it feel awkward and I couldn't stay in these inbetween levels for long. We started at Level 1 (upright) progressing through to Level 10 with hands touching the floor and through to Level 20(on the floor).

I found at first that I was moving down more rapidly than I should have and somtimes moving slower than I should have. When moving down I also moved back up again to move down further. This shows that I need to watch my shifting in weight from foot to foot.

Fron the left: Level 1
Middle: Level 10
Right: Level 20

I thought it was a good exercise to make you stand out infront of a group and say peoples names, as it highlights all of your bad habits and awkwardness that people are so used to doing. It also forces you to keep eye contact.

The exrecise where some of us were standing in 'neutral' and others were moving about made me notice that I liked the one moving instead of standing, as my patience wears thin. To stand there and have people walk around me grew tiresome after a while. I also notice I fidget when looking people directly in the eyes and folding my arms is like a 'safe place' for me, shows my awkwardness. I feel fine looking at people as long as someone smiles at me otherwise it seems too tense looking at people straight in the eye. It's great to notice these as it can improve my presence on stage.  


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