Yoga and Pilates


Since the start of term, i've noticed a few differences. I feel that the elasticity in the back of my legs has loosened so i can extend and lift my leg higher and my pelvis can open more freely, there was a lot of tension there that was through misuse of my body. I'm so happy about this as my main goal for warm ups is to progress with gaining flexibility.
I would love to work on getting my feet on the ground now, in positions like the 'downward dog' position, as shown below.

 I think to continue to push my boundaries is the way forward.


I think I've found it hard to know how to engage my core abdominal muscles over the past weeks. I'm glad we've used the rubber bands and the foamers to help naturally engage the core muscles, to get to know what it feels like. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right naturally on my own, I tend to push my ribs down when carrying out exercises, and I do feel the stretch alot more.
When using the rollers, as the spine is elevated off the ground and you're able to align your spine in a good position to engage the core muscles, this makes feeling the stretches alot easier also. It's a step up from the bands as on the rollers you still have to keep your ribs down and your pelvis still in order to do alot of exercises, where as with the bands, as its constricted, it does alot of the work for you.


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