Technique: Phrase
Walking rolls, lunges and roll downs Practicing walking round the room and rolling into lunges, and roll downs, travelling in different ways has progressed since the start of term. At the start, I never had the confidence and felt self conscious to just roll on the floor and roll down infront of people, which sounds silly but I felt intimidated by others potential. Over the past few weeks in doing this exercise I have opened up loads being able to link lunges, roll downs and rolls into the floor. A sense of it is just not caring about what others think and just focusing on yourself. Roll downs I've learnt that there's loads to consider in roll downs, more than you'd actually think. I think, at the start, I was just letting my body do the action instead of really letting go, for example, letting go of my head has been a task for me. In andrea's technique Ive worked on this and I feel that I really let the head go now, but ive also learnt that imagining how your sp...