
Showing posts from November, 2014

October 2014

A positive start to the year - exploring space with touch, sensing and perception, and playing with surface were all highlights for me in experiential anatomy sessions.  Sensing and perception article interested me in terms of learning how our perception can affect our whole way of seeing and living life. Environmental, genetic and happenings in life build and create our mindset, which then creates situations where we experience emotional responses for example; if you feel sad or paranoid that someone is upset with you; that does not necessarily mean they are upset with you, but you PERCEIVE it to be that way, depending on the conditioning of what your brain and body have been exposed to; example is repetitive situations where similar situations have occurred, almost like when it triggers fight or flight response. It's the brains way of protection; this is all that I realised and found out from our group discussion.  Exploring with space and touch made me notice things ...